Super-intelligent AI – social saviour or world threat?

August 3rd, 2021

RI FSP Director Justine Lacey recently participated in a panel of ethical thinkers and technical experts to discuss how we can ensure super-intelligent AI can benefit rather than burden society.

Today’s artificially intelligent technologies are being developed at a rapid pace.

But can this technical capability keep pace with ethical and philosophical thinking?

Responsible Innovation Future Science Platform Director Justine Lacey recently participated in Liquid Interactive’s panel, Super-intelligent AI – Social saviour or world threat? alongside technical experts and ethical thinkers: 

  • Sue Keay – CEO of the Queensland AI Hub and Chair of Robotics Australia  
  • Nick Therkelsen-Terry – CEO of Max Kelsen 
  • Evan Shellshear – head of analytics at Biarri 

The current state of super-intelligent AI requires you to consider two parallel realities – the first involves ethical and philosophical questions, and the second is focussed on technical capabilities.

Synching these two realities together rather than allowing them to diverge will be one of the biggest challenges we face.

Katie Cassidy, Content Lead, Liquid Interactive

Liquid Interactive have published a recap of the panel on their website. Check it out here.

Left to right: Nick Therkelsen-Terry, Justine Lacey, Evan Shellshear, Sue Keay, Andrew Duval.