
About PAM

PAM seeks to bring together both the network research and operations communities to consider network measurement and analysis techniques, particularly those in the earlier stages of research.

PAM has in the past focused on research and practical applications of network measurement at Layer-3. Lately, PAM broadened its scope to encompass measurements of networked applications, content distribution networks, online social networks, overlay networks, and more. Measurement technology is needed at all layers of the stack: for power profiling of hardware components; at the MAC/network/transport layers; as well as up the stack for application profiling and even to collect user feedback. Measurement technologies are being designed for the digital home, residential access networks, wireless and mobile access, enterprise, ISP and data center networks.

PAM encourages a broad range of submissions across these topics. We aim to understand the role that measurement techniques can play in networked environments and applications, across different layers, and how they can serve as building blocks for broader measurement needs. At the same time, PAM also continues with its original goal, to expand the techniques, tools and practical uses of network measurement technology.

PAM new website is available onĀ http://pamconf.info/.

PAM Previous Conferences