Showing 55 – 63 of 286
Fresh, healthy salad

April 16, 2018

Good health begins in the gut. Simple, accurate and affordable diagnosis of leaky gut syndrome.

Water droplets on sandy soil

November 29, 2023

There are more than 9 million ha of arable sands in the southern cropping region of south- eastern Australia. In many cases a large gap exists between actual yield and water limited yield potential. The GRDC project ‘Increasing production on sandy soils in low and medium rainfall areas of the southern region’ (CSP00203-CSP1606-008RMX) ran from […]

Australian Microbiome

February 26, 2024

The documentation of methods used by Australian Microbiome.

Close up of the metal organic framework crystals

January 30, 2017

Using a combination of machine learning, molecular simulation and big data management to accelerate new materials discovery.

River landscape

May 9, 2018

We investigate how water ecosystems respond to different water resource management and allocation strategies, including environmental water flows.

Battery lab

October 26, 2023

Our group has diverse interests in everything quantum.

The back of a female head. She is trying to decide which of two paths to follow.

February 23, 2016

We are developing tools and processes to support decision makers and researchers to diagnose adaptation problems and explore the social, environmental and economic costs and benefits of a range of adaptation initiatives.

View up through tall buildings from the street.

September 16, 2021

Discover how we are helping to build cities that are fit for the future.


June 10, 2020

We are a small team focused on applied geophysical research using electromagnetic prospecting and seismic techniques. Typically, our work is applied to solve problems in mineral prospecting and resource characterisation.