NBIC Technical Committee

an image of a group of people standing around a desk that includes papers, pens, sticky notes and a computer

an image of a group of people standing around a desk that includes papers, pens, sticky notes and a computer

The National Bushfire Intelligence Capability (NBIC) Technical Committee purpose is to:

  • establish and sustain data supply chains into and out of NBIC
  • endorse product design decisions and delivery of NBIC products to ensure they meet the needs of stakeholders
  • endorse establishment of Working Groups, as temporary bodies as needed, or coordinate engagement with existing groups
  • effectively engage with NBIC Council members to advocate for alignment of technical and strategic decision making across governments.

Australian Capital TerritoryRyan Lawrey
New South WalesDavid Field
Northern TerritoryMargarita Towers
QueenslandSimon Webster
South AustraliaSimeon Telfer
TasmaniaSamuel Ferguson (Chair)
VictoriaSarah Harris
Western AustraliaJackson Parker and Vicky Reynen
Australian GovernmentTBA
List of current representatives for each jurisdiction on the NBIC Technical Committee.