NBIC Board

A group of people discussing a project
The National Bushfire Intelligence Capability (NBIC) Board’s purpose is to:
- Steer the NBIC initiative with direction and guidance to deliver national outcomes. With the NBIC Council create and sustain the NBIC authorising environment.
- Govern the NBIC project and oversee its governance arrangements.
- Collaboratively address the respective accountabilities (delivery, funding, policy outcome).
The NBIC Board is made up of:
- a Chair, to advise on alignment of NBIC delivery and business outcomes to national disaster management and risk reduction priorities
Inaugural role holder: National Emergency Management Agency, Deputy Coordinator-General, Emergency Management and Response, Joe Buffone - a Senior User, to represent the NBIC user community and its needs
Inaugural role holder: Western Australia Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Commissioner Darren Klemm (representing the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) and various other disaster management stakeholder groups) - a Senior Supplier, to provide an understanding of science and technical input capability
Inaugural role holder: CSIRO Environment Business Unit Director, Dr Dan Metcalfe - a Senior Representative for Stage 2 key partner the Australian Climate Service
Inaugural role holder: Australian Climate Service, Group Executive, Vicki Woodburn
The Board meets every 4 months, with additional meetings as required.