
The National Bushfire Intelligence Capability (NBIC) builds on new and existing collaborations, data and science.

Available datasets from this work are featured.

NBIC – Stage 2 data

NBIC Stage 2 will produce national bushfire data for slope, fire weather and fuels (including bushfire boundaries) part of the workflow for production of national fireline intensity potential data layers that take into account climate change.

Early data for that workflow will be published here as it becomes available.

NBIC Stage 1 produced national bushfire behaviour maps that consider future climate over a range of timescales using readily accessible data. This data collection comprises a set of demonstration outputs that show bushfire hazard severity potential and various layers that are used to calculate it.

About NBIC

NBIC was co-designed as an innovative science-policy partnership between the disaster risk reduction function of the Commonwealth Government, currently housed in the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to provide national information products and services for bushfire hazard and risk assessment.

The NBIC workflow uses a powerful cloud-based digital platform to enable the rapid co-development, testing and delivery of national extent products. NBIC Stage 2 will build on this work to produce more refined outputs of bushfire hazard, incorporating ongoing advances in data and science to support medium- to long-term decision support needs.

NBIC Stage 1 was funded by the Department of Home Affairs (Disaster Risk Reduction Branch) under the National Partnership Agreement on disaster risk reduction.

Stage 1 focused on developing a long-term fireline intensity potential product to support long-term planning decisions. This stage concluded in 2022.

NBIC Stage 2 is funded by the Australian Climate Service (ACS) (as a NEMA priority) to build on Stage 1 outputs. These include additional products to address near term decision needs. This stage commenced in May 2023.