
Updates on the National Bushfire Intelligence Capability

A screenshot of the Bushfire Surveyor System app cropped

We are creating a Bushfire Surveyor System (BSS) app that will enable emergency agencies, researchers and citizens to easily collect and analyse data for bushfire impacted areas. Read about our progress.

A map of Australia that is shaded to show high (yellow) fireline intensity to low (purple) fireline intensity for Baseline with an Annual Exceedance Probability of 2%

The National Bushfire Intelligence Capability was featured in ABC online and ABC news. The articles highlight mapping outputs to investigate Australia’s bushfire hazards and how this will shift with climate change.

An aerial view of burnt vegetation and houses from the Tathra bushfire

The National Bushfire Intelligence Capability congratulates their collaborators, Geoscience Australia and the Emergency Management Spatial Information Network Australia, on taking out 2 recent awards for their work on the groundbreaking new national bushfire extents data service.