Magnetic Susceptibility

The magnetic susceptibility of a material is the degree of magnetism of a material in response to an applied magnetic field. To measure the magnetic susceptibility, an oscillating circuit creates a low intensity, alternating magnetic field. If the core material has a magnetic susceptibility, it will cause a change in the oscillation frequency which can be detected and quantified.

The MSCL has two Bartington magnetic susceptibility sensors- a loop sensor (MS2C) which is used for volume measurements and a point sensor (MS2E) which is used for high resolution surface measurements. Both sensors are paired with a Bartington MS3 meter with a measuring range of 26 SI.

The data obtained from the magnetic susceptibility sensors can be used to determine lithological properties of the core as well as act as an excellent core-to-core correlation tool. Additionally, the data can be used as a proxy for permeability measurements and to determine the presence of volcanics.

For more information about the magnetic susceptibility sensor see the Geotek website: Magnetic Susceptibility – Geotek Ltd.