Electrical Resistivity

Electrical Resistivity

The MSCL has a Non-Contacting Resistivity (NCR) sensor that can be used to quickly measure the electrical resistivity of whole and split cores still in their plastic liners. Spatial resolutions of about 2cm can be achieved and resistivities between 0.1 and 10 Ω.m can be measured.

A high-frequency magnetic field is induced within the transmitter coil, inducing electric currents within the core. These currents then induce very small magnetic fields in the receiver coil. The magnitude of these induced magnetic fields can be used to determine the resistivity of the core sample.

A combination of electrical resistivity and core density data can be used to determine grain size, permeability and tortuosity which cannot be obtained through any other non-destructive measurements.

For more information about the electrical resistivity sensor see the Geotek website: Non-Contact Resistivity – Geotek Ltd.