Technical reports

CSIRO and COBSEA (2024). Towards a Regional Assessment on Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas (Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam). Bangkok: United Nations Environment Programme. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, November 2022. Global plastics leakage baseline data summary report, Ganges Delta region, India. CSIRO, Australia. EP2022-4698. Access here.

Schuyler, QA, L Roman, BD Hardesty and C Wilcox C. 2021. Assessment of plastic hotspots in the Lower Mekong and Ganga River Basins. Priority intervention areas for preventing, combating and removal of plastic in areas important for migratory species. A methodology and risk analysis. CSIRO, Australia. EP 2021-2987. Access here.

COBSEA & CSIRO. 2022. Regional guidance on harmonized national marine litter monitoring programmes. Monitoring Efforts and recommendations for national marine monitoring programmes. Bangkok: UNEP. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, February 2021. Global Plastic Leakage Baseline Data Summary Report, Cape Town, South Africa. CSIRO, Australia. EP211106. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, February 2021. Global plastics leakage baseline data summary report, Chandpur, Bangladesh. CSIRO, Australia. EP211104. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, February 2021. Global plastics leakage baseline data summary report, Durban, South Africa. CSIRO, Australia. EP211107.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, February 2021. Global Plastics Leakage Baseline Data Summary Report, Kisumu, Kenya. CSIRO, Australia. EP211109. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, February 2021.  Global Plastics Leakage Baseline Data Summary Report, Lima, Peru. CSIRO, Australia. EP194093. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, February 2021. Global plastics leakage baseline data summary report, Mahé, Seychelles. CSIRO, Australia. EP196997. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, February 2021. Global plastics leakage baseline data summary report, Mombasa, Kenya. CSIRO, Australia. EP196996. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, 2020. Global Plastics Leakage Baseline Data Summary Report, Shanghai, China. CSIRO, Australia. EP197493. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team and Center for Marine Science and Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka team, February 2021. Global plastics leakage baseline data summary report, Sri Lanka. CSIRO, Australia. EP197472. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team, February 2021. Global plastics leakage baseline data summary report, Taiwan. CSIRO, Australia. EP197477. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris Team and GreenHub, February 2021. Global Plastics Leakage Baseline Data Summary Report, Viet Nam. CSIRO, Australia. EP197486. Access here.

CSIRO Marine Debris and OSEAN teams, February 2021. Global Plastics Leakage Baseline Data Summary Report, Yeongsan, South Korea. CSIRO, Australia. EP211108. Access here.

Hardesty BD, Q Schuyler, K Willis, TJ Lawson and C Wilcox. 2017. Policy and Practices Analysis to Reduce Debris Inputs to the Environment Phase II. A Final Report to the National Packaging Covenant Industry Association. CSIRO: EP178048.

Hardesty BD, Q Schuyler, K Willis, TJ Lawson and C Wilcox. 2017. Assessing the effectiveness of waste management in reducing the levels of plastics entering Australia’s marine environment. A final report to the National Environmental Science Programme Marine Biodiversity Hub. CSIRO. Access here.

Hardesty BD, Q Schuyler, TJ Lawson, K Opie and C Wilcox. 2016. Understanding debris sources and transport from the coastal margin to the ocean. A final report to the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation Ltd.

Hardesty BD, C Wilcox, Q Schuyler, TJ Lawson and K Opie. 2016. Developing a baseline estimate of amounts, types, sources and distribution of coastal litter – an analysis of US marine debris data. A final report for Ocean Conservancy and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States. Access here.

Hardesty BD and C Wilcox. 2015. Modelling and monitoring marine litter movement, transport and accumulation. The state of knowledge on litter in the marine environment. A final report to the United Nations Environment Program. Access here.

Hardesty BD, L Lebreton and C Wilcox. 2015. Plastics accumulation and monitoring efforts around the globe. A final report to the United Nations Environment Program. Access here.

Hardesty BD and C Wilcox. 2015. Modelling and monitoring of marine litter. A final report to the United Nations Environment Program. Access here.

Hardesty BD and C Wilcox. 2015. Modelling workshop summary report. A final report to the United Nations Environment Program. Access here.

Hardesty BD, C Wilcox, TJ Lawson, M Lansdell and T van der Velde. 2014. Understanding the effects of marine debris on wildlife. A Final report for Earthwatch Australia. Access here.

Hardesty BD, C Wilcox, J Butler and R Gunn. 2013. Exploring sources, impacts and methods for amelioration of ghost nets as a threat to marine species. A final report of the CSIRO and GhostNets Australia Partnership: 2009-2013.

Hardesty BD and C Wilcox. 2013. Understanding the effects of marine debris on wildlife: Year 2 Annual Report to Earthwatch Australia. Access here.

Butler JRA, R Gunn, HL Berry, GA Wagey, BD Hardesty and C Wilcox. 2012. A value chain analysis of ghost nets in the Arafura Sea: identifying trans-boundary stakeholders, intervention points and livelihood trade-offs. A report to GhostNets Australia. Access here.

Hardesty BD and C Wilcox. 2012. Understanding the effects of marine debris on wildlife. A report to Earthwatch Australia. Access here.

Hardesty BD and C Wilcox. 2011. Understanding the types, sources and at-sea distribution of marine debris in Australian Waters. Final report to the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Health, Population and Communities. Access here.

Wilcox C and BD Hardesty. 2011. Cluster Analysis: a novel approach to identify types of derelict nets that comprise ghost nets. Final Report to GhostNets Australia and the Northern Gulf Resource Management Group. Access here.

Hardesty BD, R Sharples and C Wilcox, 2010. Understanding the types, sources and at-sea distribution of marine debris in Australian Waters. Report to the Department of Water, Heritage and the Arts. Access here.

Wilcox C, BD Hardesty and R Sharples. 2010. Estimating the distribution and impact of ghost nets in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Final report to the Northern Gulf Resource Management Group. Access here.