Modelling and monitoring marine litter movement, transport and accumulation

The project goal was to increase the understanding of the state of knowledge, gaps and potential priority actions at a global and regional level for modelling and monitoring for the second session of the UN Environment Assembly in 2016.

Download the project final report

The specific objective of this was to increase awareness on marine litter by reviewing the state of knowledge and to apply modelling approaches to identify sources, sinks, distribution and movement of marine litter, including microplastics in order to identify key areas where new data will be most informative.

With support from the United Nations Environment Programme, CSIRO’s team carried out a desk top study to summarize the state of knowledge on marine litter. We identified knowledge gaps and regions for potential priority regions.

We also organised and ran two workshops with modelling experts from around the globe to address modelling approaches and knowledge gaps for modelling and monitoring marine litter movement, transport and accumulation.

The project team enjoy the benefits of collaboration here at a CSIRO workshop.




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