Code of Conduct


The CSIRO Labs of the Future Symposium is a safe, inclusive space and will showcase many unique perspectives.  We aim to bring diversity and inclusion to the forefront of the conversation. Due to the nature of the virtual event, there are several points to be mindful of in order to ensure a positive experience for all.


It is expected all participants will:

  • Ensure their interactions with others remain respectful and non-judgemental
  • Exercise kindness and empathy towards others
  • Conduct themselves in a professional manner and with integrity, as an ambassador for their country and/or organisation
  • Take responsibility for their words, posts and/or content delivered during the conference
  • Foster a culture of collaboration and constructive discussion taking into account differences of opinion, perspective and thought.


Therefore, the following will not be tolerated in any capacity, directed towards any individual(s) associated with the CSIRO Labs of the Future Symposium or displayed as part of that space:

  • Any form of harassment, bullying or discrimination based on age, race (including colour, nationality, ethnic origin or immigrant status), sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, gender expression, marital or relationship status, political affiliation, religion, ability status, physical appearance or educational background
  • Any form of sexual harassment and/or inappropriate behaviour including the inappropriate use of sexual language, images or content
  • Verbal or written insults
  • Unconstructive or irrelevant comments referencing sensitive topics including, but not limited to, those of a religious or political nature
  • Sharing connection information from the conference with non-participants as well as unauthorised access or malicious changes to the conference platform tools or related systems
  • Any form of plagiarism including copying, redistributing or using data from presentations, including posters, without permission from the author(s).


Please be aware that all online venues will be closely monitored and any such activity deemed unacceptable will be subject to corrective action. In such cases, it is at the discretion of the organisers to:

  • Delete comments posted on any platforms including community chats
  • Issue warnings regarding behaviour
  • Mute or block individual(s) from accessing any platforms in cases of serious unacceptable behaviour or failure to cooperate with organiser(s), including ignoring warnings
  • Involve appropriate authorities following cases that escalate beyond reasonable control.


If either you, or someone you witness, is subject to unacceptable behaviour or has any concerns over safety or the ability to participate fully, please inform the organisers immediately. All reports will be handled in the strictest confidence.


On behalf of the  , we thank you for your cooperation and we hope that the CSIRO Labs of the Future Symposium will be a positive and thoroughly enjoyable experience that will stay with you a long time.