Spark Festival 2019 – World Café – Syd Hardware Day

September 17th, 2019

The Spark Festival has officially launched its program and we are up there on the website as one of the headline events .  Here is the link to our event . Tickets are available via this link.

Hardware is not for everyone, but everyone in Hardware will be here!

Calling all Hardware founders, funders and friends – this half day event has something for everyone!

Saturday 26th October @ INCUBATE Hub, University of Sydney

How to Launch a Product:  From Bootstrapping to Made to Order (and everything in-between)

9:15am Join our panel of experts to discover alternative ways to get your product to market.

Spark Innovation Workshop:  The Invention Game

10:15am Learn about some cool innovations and have some fun with a group challenge to ideate and inspire creativity

Networking Break

11:15am Pizza and Networking

Hardware World Café: Have questions? We have the answers.

11:45am   Join the discussions and make the connections with the key parts of the Hardware world.  Speak with experts in design, IP, funding, manufacturing and more…

Supported by Innovation Drive, INCUBATE, CSIRO Lindfield Collaboration Hub and Ozhard

Session:              World Café – Syd Hardware Day

Date:                   Sat 26th Oct 2019,

Time:                 11:45am to 12:45pm

Location:            INCUBATE Hub
Wentworth Building, Level 4, 2 Butlin Ave, Darlington NSW 2008,