Showcase for Connect@Lindfield 2020 – ONLINE success.

May 11th, 2020


The Lindfield Collaboration Hub’s vision is to support and promote the development of deep tech and hardware innovation in NSW.  We do this through various channels – including co-location at our CSIRO Lindfield site, networking events and workshops and programs.   Over the past four years, with the ongoing funding support of the NSW Governments Boosting Business Innovation Program and a network of experienced facilitators and mentors, we have developed the Connect@Lindfield Commercialisation Program.  This program’s objective is to take early-stage ideas and through a series of customer discovery interviews, transform ideas into viable business models. It crescendos with a Showcase Pitch Day where the teams live pitch their Company journey and Big Idea.

Our Connect@Lindfield 2020 Showcase was a little different this year. Before we commenced Connect this year, we decided to change the program somewhat – we welcomed new facilitators, added new content and incorporated a new structure for our face-to face sessions.  Mid-program, we were then also thrown a curveball in the form of a global pandemic which has meant Connect also introduced online delivery and an online showcase.   All of this, however, has not taken us away from the core of the Connect@Lindfield program – which is to encourage our teams to talk to as many customers, clients, competitors as they can; test their assumptions (especially those you hold on to tightest!) and continue to refine and revise their business models over the duration of the program.

This year our four teams shared their journeys with you in the form a video presentation and online Q and A.  With almost 50 participants to our event online, the day was a wonderful success. Congratulations to all our teams and to the Lindfield Collaboration Hub.

For more information about our teams see the following link cohort connectnewsletterfinal (4)