H2Perth (New Project added November 2021)

November 1st, 2021


The project proponent is planning a phased developed of a large-scale hydrogen and ammonia production facility at a site in the southern metropolitan area of Perth, Western Australia.

Main proponents:

Woodside Energy Ltd


Main end-use classification:

Export potential – ammonia production, liquid hydrogen

Domestic demand – mobility uses, heavy industry uses


Under development

Estimated cost:

Project capital cost: Approximately AUD$1 billion for initial phase (reported)

Other involvement:


Production details:

Initial phase target of 300 tonnes per day of hydrogen production (20% of potential target capacity), which can be converted into 600,000 tonnes per annum of ammonia or 110,000 tonnes per annum of liquid hydrogen


Western Australia, Australia

Announced funding:


Project description

The proposed H2Perth project is a large-scale hydrogen and ammonia production facility that would be constructed on approximately 130 hectares of vacant industrial land to be leased from the Western Australian Government in the Kwinana Strategic Industrial Area and Rockingham Industry Zone.

The project is planned as a phased development.

The project would initially target 300 tonnes per day of hydrogen production, which can be converted into 600,000 tonnes per annum of ammonia or 110,000 tonnes per annum of liquid hydrogen

Electrolysis technologies and natural gas reforming would both be used to produce hydrogen, with 100% of carbon emissions abated or offset.  Initial capacity of the electrolysis component is at 250 megawatts while the initial phase of the steam methane reformer will consume 40 terajoules per day of natural gas. Electricity for the electrolyser would be sourced from the South West Interconnected System.

Reports indicate that the initial phase of the project has an estimated project capital cost of approximately AUD$1 billion.

At expected full capacity, the project would be able to target hydrogen production of up to 1,500 tonnes per day, with the potential for electrolyser capacity to scale up to 3 gigawatts, depending on customer demand and renewable energy growth.

The project proponent has begun community engagement on the project as well as progressing offtake discussions with potential customers.

Subject to necessary commercial and regulatory approvals and a positive final investment decision, construction on the initial phase of the project could commence in 2024.

This description was reviewed by the project proponent.


November 2021