H2 Production Comparison

The forecast cost of hydrogen varies, depending on the types of technologies deployed and what type of energy is used in the process. This graph allows the user to compare when applications will become cost competitive with the alternative (e.g. petrol for passenger vehicles).

Data source: CSIRO National H2 Roadmap
Levelised Cost of H2

‘Hydrogen Technology’ is the method that produces the hydrogen – this can be fossil fuel or renewable electricity potential based.

‘Reference,Year’ is whose data is used to model the levelised cost of hydrogen and when this data was published.

‘Source of Energy Input’ is where the energy to produces the hydrogen comes from and what type – fossil fuels or renewables.

Use the ‘Hydrogen Technology’, ‘Reference, Year’ and ‘Source of Energy Input’ fields to select the various technology methods to compare (vertical lines).

A maximum of 4 lines can be added at one time.

Then use the ‘Year’ slider to show what costs are modelled for that year (vertical line).

The user can animate the graph by clicking on the play/pause button on the bottom right corner of the ‘Year’ slider. This will automatically go through the years from where ‘Year’ is set.

Note: the user can select as many options as possible in the ‘Technology’ and ‘Reference’ boxes which affects the corresponding options in the box to the right of it. However, the user can only select the maximum number of options in the ‘Source’ box. This is the option/box that ultimately affects what is displayed on the graph.

Some acronyms:
Proton exchange membrane (PEM)      
Alkaline electrolyser (AE)                        
Steam methane reforming (SMR)         
Brown coal gasification (Coal)