Blended hydrogen pipeline transport

The table below the image shows all relevant standards for this scenario. Click on a hotspot on the image to filter the table so that it only shows the standards applicable to that item. The standards presented are not an exhaustive list of applicable standards, but a collection of standards related the hydrogen supply chain.
You can press the ‘Download’ button to export a list of the standards shown in the table. To return to the full list of standards for this build, click the ‘Clear filter’ button.
HyStandards is designed to provide examples of applications of certain Australian Standard® standards and other publications. It is not a substitute for professional advice or complying with federal or state regulations. Standards Australia Limited and CSIRO do not represent or warrant that any standard or publication identified through HyStandards will be fit for any particular requirement or purpose. Users should exercise their own judgement and consult with appropriately qualified and experienced specialists before making any decisions including when purchasing or using a standard or other publication.

Compression and cooling
Compression and cooling
Blending and separation
Compressed hydrogen storage
Compressed hydrogen storage
Fire and safety
Fire and safety
*Hyperlinks to webstores for the standards and other publications are provided for convenience and may be available via different distribution channels. Australian Standards and other publications such as ISO and IEC publications are available for purchase through Standards Australia Store and via Standards Australia’s Distribution Partners. Please contact the relevant organisation responsible for any ANSI/CSA, ANSI/UL, APEA/EI, API, ASME, BS, CGA, EIGA, NFPA, or SAE to obtain a copy or to enquire about their respective distribution channels.
Page updated November 2024.