Scalable generation of green hydrogen

February 16th, 2024

This project aims to understand the science of Titania Nanotube Semiconductor Array (TNTSA) growth on Ti metal for the development of a scalable green hydrogen generation capability via solar electrolysis (photosynthesis). 

Project lead

Dr Saden H Zahiri,


This project aims to understand the science of Titania Nanotube Semiconductor Array (TNTSA) growth on Ti metal for the development of a scalable green hydrogen generation capability via solar electrolysis (photosynthesis). 

By removing the need for an electricity generation step in solar electrolysis, this project aims to determine the viability of scaling the technology to commercial levels. The target TNTSA combined with robotic additive manufacturing are critical components for the scalable solar photocatalytic reaction offering an opportunity for revolutionary methods to reduce costs and enable scalability. 

What we are doing

We are using CSIRO’s world class capabilities and proprietary technologies for large-scale manufacturing of TNTSA. This will allow for the establishment of highly efficient new industries for green hydrogen generation via photocatalysis.

The scientific challenges will be addressed via the following activities:

  1. Production of the first robotic additive manufactured Ti substrate.
  2. Coating the Ti substrate with TNTSA

Project finish date

June 2025