At CSIRO, our Food Microbiology and Applied Microbiology Teams work to decrease foodborne illness, increase food industry productivity and innovation, and increase market access for the food industry.

We work closely with food producers, food industries and government to develop a deep understanding of foodborne pathogens in the Australian context and achieve control through novel risk management. We apply microbial genomics, metagenomics and validate the effectiveness of novel food processing technologies for assured food safety and market access for Australian products. Our highly adaptable teams also provide support in these areas internationally.

Our food safety and applied microbiology research for domestic and international market access helps:

  • companies resolve specific food safety and stability challenges, achieve the microbiological safety and stability of new and innovative products and technologies and we assist with regulatory approvals.
  • industry sectors (red meat, dairy, poultry, eggs) benefit from data to support national and international benchmarking for improving market access and dealing with food safety issues.
  • all levels of government benefit through provision of scientific evidence to support trade negotiations, policy development, adoption and application of food safety standards, and to improve food safety regulation.
  • highlight the profile of food safety in the public arena through media and consumer education around food safety risks.

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