Paper: On searching explanatory argumentation graphs

July 16th, 2020

Cases or examples can be often explained by the interplay of arguments in favour or against their outcomes. This paper addresses the problem of finding explanations for a collection of cases where an explanation is a labelled argumentation graph consistent with the cases, and a case is represented as a statement labelling.

The focus is on semi-abstract argumentation graphs specifying attack and subargument relations between arguments, along with particular complete argument labellings taken from probabilistic argumentation where arguments can be excluded.

The framework and computational considerations lead to an iterated local iterative deepening depth-first search to collect ‘interesting’ semi-abstract argumentation graphs consistent with a collection of statement labellings.

Finally, the framework is illustrated and evaluated with a proof-of-concept implementation.

Figure 34. An explanatory complete {IN, OUT, UND, OFF}-labellings.


Riveret, Regis. On searching explanatory argumentation graphs. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. 2020; 30:1-70.

Download the full paper here.

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