News: Australia-Afghanistan launch National Water Information System Roadmap for Afghanistan
Last week marked the official launch of the Water Information System Roadmap for Afghanistan by the Australian Ambassador to Afghanistan, and officials from Afghanistan, the Australian Embassy in Kabul, DFAT, CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology.
Water resources in Afghanistan are under pressure from population growth, economic development and climate change. Due to the information need on biophysical, socioeconomic and environmental drivers of change for water planners and managers, a national water information system is critical to monitor, assess, plan, develop and manage water resources.
During 2020-22 (consolidation phase), the team will connect existing databases to curate water management data in a centralised information system, use existing models and analytical tools to monitor and assess basin water availability, develop and manage water infrastructure in the Kabul Basin.
It is expected that this will allow the Afghanistan government to develop additional information services for water infrastructure development and disaster risk reduction across the country (advanced phase).
The outcomes of this project will provide water information to planners and citizens alike. Planners can use data and information to guide investment in the water sector and citizens can get information services like water allocation or reservoir water status to plan water use or minimise water risks.
Access the full report here and follow the progress of this work via this ANWIS dedicated website.
- Image sourced from the Australian Embassy in Afghanistan’s Twitter page.
- Image sourced from the Australian Embassy in Afghanistan’s Twitter page.
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