As part of feral IoT project that tracks feral pigs and buffaloes to understand their landscape use and environmental impact […]
We have just published a paper at the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Journal titled "Modeling stochastic […]
Two of our papers have been ranked as some of the top-cited papers by Google Scholar at their respective venues. […]
CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, and agtech startup Ceres Tag have created a new type of ‘fit bit’ to help […]
Raja Jurdak, Ali Dorri, Salil Kanhere There’s been a lot of hype about blockchain over the past year. Although best […]
The Distributed Sensing Systems Group has teamed up with early-stage construction startup Ynomia and construction company ProBuild to develop the […]
Distributed Sensing Systems Group alumnus and ongoing collaborator, Dr. Rajib Rana, has just been awarded a QLD Young Tall Poppy […]
CSIRO, through its Data61 Business Unit, has entered into a tripartite Collaboration with Ynomia and Probuild to deploy BLEAT (Bluetooth low […]
The Distributed Sensing Systems Group was a key contributor to the Amazon Providence Project for biodiversity monitoring in the Amazon […]
The Disease Networks and Mobility (DiNeMo) Project explores how human infectious diseases found overseas might spread in Australia. The project looks at the patterns of how people move both internationally and domestically in order to forecast the risk of the spread of disease.