Monitoring agricultural patterns: new insights from big data

August 14th, 2020

A map showing paddocks

We’ve developed integrated big data and AI technologies, combining data from multiple satellite platforms and large quantities of paddock and other spatial data. Using huge computing power from Australia’s most advanced supercomputers, we produced cropping information aiding the agricultural sector. 

Global technological advances in satellite observations and analytical tools means better information for both the production and environmental aspects of agricultural activity. For example, regional information on what crops are growing, how much of it and where, would help in the planning of transportation logistics, food security, disaster impact assessment and recovery and volume forecasting.  

Monitoring environmental indicators provides a means to minimise negative impacts on the system. The amount of remotely sensed data recorded for agricultural systems has and is increasing substantially, including operational Synthetic Aperture Radar (eg Sentinel I) and optical sensors with improving spatial and spectral resolution. 

We developed AI models and software for monitoring agricultural systems and deployed the technology to the Australian agricultural sector.  

By Dr Peter Caccetta