Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning: what can they do for agriculture?
CSIRO’s first agriculture-related deep learning application, ePaddocks™. Crops (the red area on the left), rivers (in the centre area), bushland (black) and less vegetated areas (green on the right) with paddocks lines overlaid in 74×54 kms of Western Australia. Credit: Copernicus Sentinel data
Artificial intelligence and its sub-branches machine learning and deep learning are making their way into agriculture and agribusiness. They’re helping make decisions and predictions once never dreamed of.
Whether we know it or not, we all use artificial intelligence, or AI. Most of us use AI through our smart phones and other devices. For example, our smart phones track our steps and auto connect to fitness and health apps. And texting uses higher powered types of AI like machine learning and ‘deep learning’, an even newer tool.
These techniques have started to make their way into agriculture.
But can they help us farm?
Read the full article on ECOS: Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning: what can they do for agriculture?