National Science Week: what is a satellite? – August 2018

During National Science Week, the Centre for Earth Observation visited Arawang Primary School in Canberra for the STEM Professionals in Schools event. Armed with a brand new 10:1 scale model of the new NovaSAR satellite and a CSIRO video showcasing careers in STEM, we demonstrated the model to 200 students.

We answered a range of questions, covering topics from how to get astronauts into space, to GPS positioning and google maps – plus what is a STEM professional and what is a satellite?

The NovaSAR model was hugely popular, and we shared with the teachers a paper cut-out of the satellite, as well as some hands-on activities for ongoing learning in science classes. It was a lot of fun and the teachers were keen on becoming more formally involved in CSIRO’s STEM professionals in schools outreach program.