The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey: update

December 18th, 2020

All 903 fields of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) have been deposited into CASDA and are now publicly available to the astronomical community.

To access the data, search for project AS110 in the UI or VO TAP query. Or use these collection links for images and visibilities, and catalogues. (Click on the files tab).

More information on the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) can be found here.



Q. How do I do a cone search against the RACS catalogues?

A. The UI cone search will return the catalogue containing that position. To do a cone search for individual RACS catalogue radio sources use the following TAP ADQL query:

SELECT * FROM casda.continuum_component where 1=CONTAINS(POINT(‘ICRS’, ra_deg_cont, dec_deg_cont),CIRCLE(‘ICRS’,183.475,11.236,0.01)) and project_id = 23

The above example is for RA = 183.475, Dec = 11.236 and search radius of 0.01 deg, returns one RACS radio component.

This can be done e.g. in TOPCAT, or in python with the following code using astroquery TAP module:

from astroquery.utils.tap.core import TapPlus

casdatap = TapPlus(url=””)

job = casdatap.launch_job_async(“SELECT * FROM casda.continuum_component where 1=CONTAINS(POINT(‘ICRS’, ra_deg_cont, dec_deg_cont),CIRCLE(‘ICRS’,183.475,11.236,0.01)) and project_id = 23”)

r = job.get_results()


Q. How do I make cutouts of RACS sources?

A. In the UI, put in AS110 as the project, and do a cone search on the position of interest. In the results page click on the “Image Cubes” tab, and click on the “Info” icon for the image of interest, and on the information page that pops up there is a “Generate Image” link. A cutout can then be made using the interactive Aladin Lite interface.

A scripted cutout service is available here:

This allows user to make cutouts from a list of positions.


Q. Why can’t I download the data or see the “Generate Image” link?

A. Please make sure you login with an OPAL account.