Our Team

The CSIRO BMTF team draws on the extensive and diverse expertise of CSIRO’s world renowned track-record in developing novel materials for Medical Technologies. Team members have been part of projects as varied as the extended wear contact lens, coatings for infection control, biodegradable polymers and development of commercial antibodies for stem cell characterisation.

Dr Helmut Thissen

Executive Director

  • Dr Helmut Thissen is the Executive Director of the BMTF and also leads the BMTF Surface Chemistry Capability. Helmut brings expertise in the development of coatings for materials to control bacterial, cell and protein interactions.
Dr Mark Bown

Facility Manager

  • Dr Mark Bown is the BMTF Facility Manager. Mark specialises in polymer development and manufacturing.

Dr Tim Hughes

Dr Tim Hughes leads the BMTF Polymer Capability.  Tim has extensive experience working with industry to develop tailored biomaterials for medical applications.

Ms Veronica Glattauer

Ms Veronica Glattauer leads the BMTF Biology Capability.  Veronica has expertise in the evaluation of cell material interactions and the design of natural and synthetic biomaterials platforms.

Dr Jenny O’Connell

Dr Jenny O’Connell is the BMTF Quality Manager.  Jenny led the implementation of the Quality Management System and Accreditation for BMTF and has extensive chemistry R&D expertise.

Dr Carmel O’Brien
Dr Carmel O’Brien is the BMTF Industry Portfolio Development Leader.  Carmel has extensive experience in stem cell biology and the commercialisation of biotechnology.