The Australian Ecosystems Models Framework
The Australian Ecosystem Models Framework project is collating, synthesising and summarising scientific knowledge of ecosystem dynamics and will capture this knowledge in a set of dynamic ecosystem models. These models will describe the dynamic characteristics and drivers of Australian ecosystems in unmodified and modified states.
Ecosystem dynamics are the relationships between and among all biological and physical components of ecosystems, including their responses to disturbance regimes. Natural resource managers require an understanding of ecosystem dynamics in order to make informed management decisions that take into account the response of ecosystems, in a range of condition states to disturbance.
The dynamic ecosystem models will be developed through best-available expert knowledge of ecosystem characteristics and dynamics. This includes through expert workshops and literature reviews.
A set of foundational dynamic ecosystem models will be organised into a network-style information framework which can be continuously updated as new information comes to hand. The models have the potential to:
- provide the conceptual architecture for a national system of environmental accounts
- be developed into detailed, quantitative / mechanistic models
- underpin an integrated knowledge management system that can incorporate additional understanding of ecosystem dynamics over time, including ecosystem responses to climate change
- provide a robust architecture for natural resource management prioritisation, as well as monitoring and evaluation activities, including supporting the development of methods to assess ecosystem resilience.
See our updated project fact sheet in partnership with TERN and TERN webpage:
Project Team
- Anna Richards
- Garry Cook
- Dan Metcalfe
- Helen Murphy
- Suzanne Prober
- Steve Roxburgh
- Amy Warnick
- Kristen Williams
- Fiona Dickson (DCCEEW)
Project publications
Fact sheets
Prober SM, Williams KJ, Richards AE (2024) National Ecosystem Assessment System for Australia (NEASA) Phase 1: A national set of conceptual models for Australia’s landscapes. Publication number EP2024-1697. TERN and CSIRO, Australia.
Richards AE, Dickson F (2016) The Australian Ecosystem Models Framework project: The Australian Ecosystem Models Framework
A national framework for dynamic ecosystem models. A project factsheet. CSIRO, Australia
Richards AE*, Dickson F*, Williams KJ, Cook GD, Roxburgh S, Murphy H, Doherty M, Warnick A, Metcalfe D, Prober SM (2020) The Australian Ecosystem Models Framework project: A conceptual framework. Client Report EP1810177. CSIRO, Australia.
* Co-lead authors
Refereed booklets
Roxburgh SH, Fairman T, Furlaud JM, Nitschke C, Langridge JM, and Prober SM (2023). The Australian Ecosystems Model Framework: Eucalypt forests, Version 1.0. CSIRO, Australia. csiro:EP2023-2878.
Prober SM, Richards AE, Hodgson JR, Langridge JM, Gosper CR, Sundholm AM, White M, Yates CJ (2023). The Australian Ecosystems Model Framework: Mallee woodlands and shrublands, Version 1.0. CSIRO, Australia. csiro:EP208384.
Prober SM, Cook G, Gosper CR, Hodgson JR, Langridge JM, Rumpff L, Williams RJ, Yates CJ, and Richards AE (2023). The Australian Ecosystems Model Framework: Eucalypt woodlands, Version 1.0. CSIRO, Australia. csiro:EP2023-2878.
Coming Soon: Tussock Grasslands.
Refereed journal articles
Gosper CR, Yates CJ, Cook GD, Harvey JM, Liedloff AC, McCaw WL, Thiele KR and Prober SM (2018) A conceptual model of vegetation dynamics for the unique obligate‐seeder eucalypt woodlands of south‐western Australia. Austral Ecology 43, 681-695. DOI:
Chandler T, Richards A, Jenny B, Dickson F, Huang J, Klippel A, Neylan M, Wang F, Prober SM (2022) Immersive Landscapes: Modelling ecosystem reference conditions in virtual reality. Landscape Ecology 37, 1293-1309. DOI:
Conference presentations
(In order of most recent)
Richards A, Prober SM, Williams KJ, Schmidt B, Dickson F, Roxburgh S, Murphy H, Cook G, Warnick A, Daniel C, Lucas R, Newnham, G (2022) Can State-and-Transition Models inform ecosystem trajectories under climate change?. In: Ecological Society of Australia – Society for Conservation Biology, Oceania joint conference; 28 Nov 2022 to end of 02 Dec 2022; Wollongong. Ecological Society of Australia; 2022. csiro:EP2022-3195.
Prober SM, Richards A, Broadhurst L, Carwardine J, Dickson F, Gellie NJC, Hodgson J, Leedman A, Nicol S, Sparrow B (2021) Linking the Australian Ecosystem Models Framework to a post-fire Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER) network. Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia, Darwin, May 2021.
Cook G, Richards A, Prober S, Dickson F (2020) Changing fire regimes in the subtropics and the potential ecological responses. In: SEQ Fire & Biodiversity Consortium: Annual Fire Forum 2020; Queensland State Library, Brisbane. SEQ Fire and Biodiversity Consortium; 2020. csiro:EP20815.
Richards A, Dickson F, Prober SM, Williams KJ, Cook G, Metcalfe D, Murphy H, Roxburgh S, Warnick A, Bartolo R, Liddle D, Bellairs S, Schmidt B, Mount R (2019) Applying dynamic ecosystem models to natural resource management: case studies from the AusEcoModels framework. Ecological Society of Australia Annual conference, 25-29 November 2019, Launceston, Tasmania. csiro:EP194969.
Richards A, Dickson F, Prober SM, Williams KJ, Cook G, Doherty M, Metcalfe D, Murphy H, Roxburgh S, Warnick A (2019) The Australian Ecosystem Models Framework. NRM Regions Australian Conference, 17-20 November 2019, Wodonga, Victoria. csiro:EP195842.
Richards A, Dickson F, Prober SM, Williams KJ, Cook G, Doherty M, Metcalfe D, Murphy H, Roxburgh S, Warnick A (2018) The Australian Ecosystem Models Framework. Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference, 25-29 November 2018, Brisbane. Book of Abstracts, 276-277. csiro:EP186392.
Richards A, Dickson F, Prober SM, Roxburgh S, Cook G, Metcalfe D, Murphy H, Warnick A, Williams KJ, Doherty M (2018) The Australian Ecosystem Models Framework. In: Dr Dana Bergstrom, editor/s. Boden Conference: Ecological surprises and ecosystem collapse; 8-9 May 2018; Canberra. Boden Conference, Australian Academy of Science; 2018. csiro:EP184242.
Richards A, Abbott B, Prober S, Hayward J, Sudmeyer R, Fletcher M, Ryan K, Hetherington C, Ramzi P, Thomas P, Reeves K, Fletcher W (2023) State and transition models for tussock grasslands and woodlands of the Kimberley. CSIRO, Darwin. csiro:EP2023-0758.
Richards AE, Prober SM, Schmidt RK, Sengupta A, McInerney PJ and Tetreault-Campbell S (2021) Ecosystem classification and conceptual models for the Gunbower-Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Icon Site. A technical report from the Land and Ecosystem Accounts Project. Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Canberra, Australia. csiro:EP21354.
Richards AE, Lucas R, Clewley D, Prober SM, Schmidt RK, Tetreault-Campbell S and Ware C (2021) Assessing extent of ecosystem types and condition states at Gunbower-Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Icon Site. A technical report for the Land and Ecosystem Accounts Project. Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Canberra, Australia. csiro:EP2021-1450.
Prober S, Richards A, Sengupta A, McInerney P, Schmidt B and Tetreault Campbell S (2021) Ecosystem characteristics and variables for conceptual models for the Gunbower-Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Icon Site (GKP). Data Collection, v5. CSIRO, Canberra, Australia. DOI:
Richards A, Lucas R, Ware C, Clewley D, Prober S, McInerney P and Schmidt B (2021) Account-ready data for extent of ecosystem types and condition states at Gunbower-Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Icon Site, v01.03.2021. Data Collection, v10. CSIRO, Canberra, Australia. DOI:
Richards A, Prober S, McInerney P, Bennetts K and Cook D (2021) Gunbower-Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Icon Site photograph collection. Data Collection, v4. CSIRO, Canberra, Australia. DOI:
Richards A, Bartolo R, Loewensteiner D, Meek I, Warnick A (2020) Rehabilitation trajectories for Ranger mine. CSIRO, Darwin:. csiro:EP206722.
Related project links
National Ecosystem Assessment System for Australia in partnership with TERN
Experimental ecosystem accounts for an icon site in the Murray-Darling Basin
Accounting for our environment
Environmental-Economic Accounting (EEA)
We wish to thank the AusEcoModels project scientific consultative committee, who provided extensive guidance and oversight on the development of the Framework: Prof. Glenda Wardle, Prof. Simon Haberle, Dr Matt White (Australian Government, Threatened Ecological Communities Listing Section), Prof. David Keith, Dr Dan Rogers, Dr Don Butler, Dr Stephen van Leeuwen, Dr David Parkes, Dr Margaret Friedel, Dr Sue McIntyre, Ms. Louise Gilfedder, Prof. Mark Westoby and Prof. Ben Gawne.