Innovative Bioproduction Platforms

Advancing novel biomanufacturing capabilities that will reduce the costs of getting bio-based products to market.

Our approach

CSIRO’s Advanced Engineering Biology Future Science Platform is working to supercharge the productivity of engineered biological systems at the protein, organism, and process levels through our Innovative Bioproduction Platforms theme.  

Our aim is to discover, design, and evaluate new organisms, equipment and processes that work in synergy to make engineering biology orders of magnitude more productive and effective.  

This means while discovering and engineering novel organisms for optimised inputs and outputs, our researchers are also testing new production systems, processes, equipment designs and system integration to multiply efficiencies.  

From designing strains capable of using alternative, low-cost, or waste feedstocks, to creating high-efficiency bioreactors to match industry processes – we are integrating organism engineering and bioreactor design with the end goal of deploying novel capabilities to support an advanced biomanufacturing industry.  

Delivering impact

The Innovative Bioproduction Platforms theme aims to resolve current impediments to commercial-scale activity through strategic research outputs, including: 

  • Evaluation of novel organisms for improved productivity and unencumbered production of target outputs.  
  • Organism engineering strategies that deliver optimised feedstock use and enhanced productivity and utility. 
  • Designs and prototypes of bioproduction equipment, evaluated synergistically with organisms and processes.  

By integrating Innovative Bioproduction Platforms with Data-Driven Molecular Design and Interdisciplinary Decision-Making, the Advanced Engineering Biology Future Science Platform will help realise powerful biotechnology solutions for the benefit of Australian society, industry, and environment.  


A Caucasian man with glasses and a black sweater looks seriously at the camera.

Theme Leader, Innovative bioproduction platforms