Showing 1 – 9 of 292
Lake in the Rapel basin

July 15, 2016

CSIRO Chile project on Integrated Water Management in the Rapel basin (Plan de Gestión Integrada Cuenca Rapel).

Risk Lab logo

September 27, 2016

RiskLab at CSIRO’s Data61 provides the avenue for industry to engage directly with the extended network of technologists and academia to come up with innovative solutions and tools in quantitative risk and decisions-under uncertainty.

Coastal sunset

October 26, 2021

How do we shift communities, regions and economies away from high risk and disaster-prone situations towards well-adapted and disaster resilient futures?

Australian Microbiome

February 26, 2024

The documentation of methods used by Australian Microbiome.

Abstract lines and circles

October 11, 2022

We’re applying the benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to our Mission objectives to solve Australia’s greatest challenges

A fire burning in the bush

February 15, 2016

A multi-platform computer application developed by CSIRO that enables the easy calculation of expected fire behaviour from burning conditions.

Map of Australia with air quality overlay

February 15, 2016

Smoke and Fire is an interactive visualisation of air pollution in Australia, particularly shipping plume along the east coast of New South Wales.

Microscopic view of bacteria coloured in blue.

March 21, 2023

Mapping and responding to antibiotic resistance patterns across Australia.

Biomimetic mesh

February 15, 2016

Naturally occurring structural proteins are ‘information-rich’ molecules. Based on the precedent set by nature, these structural proteins provide a rich landscape for the rational design of advanced functional materials.