Workspace session at MODSIM 2019

July 8th, 2019

We are very interested in the use of workflow systems such as Workspace for increasing productivity, collaboration and commercialisation opportunities, and so want to highlight this session being run at MODSIM 2019 by our own Paul Cleary. Papers are now being sought for the session and we would value the opportunity to meet like-minded attendees at the session in December.

From the MODSIM program, the session has the following overview: “The use of workflow engines allows scientific workflow to be systematised and automated, leading to reduction in cost of creation and use, reducing dependence on specific people and skills and supports improved reliability, reproducibility, provenance and commercialisation. This session provides a forum for researchers to explore the opportunities for improvement of their scientific workflow development, to discuss what is modelling and modelling software best practice and to exchange their experiences in using workflow concepts to improve their scientific research and its impact.”

Looking forward to meeting you in Canberra in December!

The Workspace team