Resilience + sustainability of socio-ecological networks

November 23rd, 2021

Image: Bj Pearce

Project duration

October 2021 to December 2025

The challenge

The frequency and intensity of shocks to food supply systems will increase in the future (climate change, pandemics). How do we ensure that responses to shocks don’t have adverse outcomes for social, economic and environmental sustainability?

Our response

This project is co-developing new methods, tools and indicators to evaluate cross-scale relationships between the resilience of seafood supply chains to different types of shocks and the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability, building from CSIRO’s emerging capability in socio-ecological system modelling. 


These activities will develop tools and measures to help industry, consumers and policy makers to better understand and plan for the effects of shocks (such as COVID-19, economic disruptions or climate extremes) on sustainability outcomes in marine and terrestrial food production sectors (and more broadly in associated communities). 


CSIRO: Jess Melbourne-Thomas (Project Leader), Roshni Subramaniam (Postdoctoral Fellow), Fabio Boschetti, Eva Plaganyi, Peggy Schrobback


Read our review article on the socio-ecological resilience and sustainability implications of seafood supply chain disruption, and associated blog article: Adapting for success: building resilient seafood supply chains

Needs for adaptive and equitable seafood supply where resilience enables sustainability and reduces negative feedbacks (from Subramaniam et al. 2023)



Download project factsheet (edible oyster supply chain case study)

Download project factsheet (rock lobster supply chain case study)

Download project factsheet (indicators)