CSIRO scientists lead international expert panel on sustainability transformations 

July 25th, 2024

Invited by Nature Sustainability, scientists from CSIRO, including from the Valuing Sustainability Future Science Platform (VS FSP), are leading an international expert panel of researchers and practitioners from across the globe to advance scientific approaches to overcome resistance to sustainability transitions and accelerate transformative change for a more just, sustainable, and prosperous future. The panel announced in a Nature Sustainability Editorial on 24 July 2024, has 23 members and has already started examining resistance to transition in three social-ecological systems, i.e., agrifood, electricity and transport, in ten case studies from six continents.

The Panel is sponsored and supported by CSIRO’s Valuing Sustainability FSP, Environment Research Unit’s Sustainability Pathways Program, and Agriculture and Food Research Unit’s Sustainability Program. The panel chairs and members from CSIRO are Yiheyis Maru, Enayat A. Moallemi, Peat Leith, Mark Stafford-Smith, Stefanos Xenarios, Beth Fulton, Jess Cheok, Michelle Miller, and Angela Rojas Arevalo.

By mid-next year, the panel is expected to deliver a technical report, a Comment, and a Perspective on Nature Sustainability.  Watch this space for tangible policy, practice, and research recommendations.