Workspace 7.1.0
Basic SQL Database

Workspace provides basic support for SQL databases, however this is an area where the "devil is in the detail". Specific drivers will normally be needed to access most databases and there are often a number of configuration and setup steps involved. In this first tutorial we will keep it simple and use SQLite as this is the SQL Database shipped with Qt "out of the box". Before developing against your preferred database engine please consult your manuals on how to configure and setup access to any other database engine.

Tutorial contents

And, as a reference, a completed sample workflow has been provided for you.

Opening a SQL Database

Let us begin by typing "sql" (without the quotes) into the Operation Catalogue.
This will show you the SQL Database operations, the Operation Catalogue will look something like this:

Database operations

Drag the "Open SQL Database" operation on to the canvas and enter these values in the Operation Editor:

  • Driver:
  • Database name:
    (or similar for your particular operating system.)
Please note: The value you normally supply for a Database name input will often be a database connection string, rather than a simple path to a file on disk as we are using here. This simple format works well enough for our introductory tutorial however.

We would be the first to agree that database connection strings can look cryptic - and they seem to be different for each database engine. Again, when you want to use your favourite database engine then please look at your manual to see what values you need to enter.

As you progress through this tutorial, if you need to repeat steps and want to have a "clean slate" then the simplest process to follow is to change the Database name value (i.e. test.db) to something else. This will create a new clean database.

Your screen should look something like this:

Open SQL Database operation

Next, right click on the Database output of the "Open SQL Database" operation and select "Display with Sql Database Widget".

Display with SqlDatabaseWidget

Add a WorkspaceOutput operation. You can now execute the workflow, but nothing much will be visible. Under the hood you have created an in-memory SQLite database but without any tables, so there is really nothing to show.

View empty database

Inserting CSV data into a Table

Next we will insert a Table into our Database. For this we will use the "Create SqlTable from CSV File" operation. Drag an instance of this operation onto the canvas and connect the database output from the "Open SQL Database" operation to the database input of the "Create SqlTable from CSV File" operation. Also remove the Sql Database Widget from the Database output of the "Open SQL Database" operation (this is really being done just to remove clutter from the screen.) You can remove the widget by clicking on the small X highlighted in the screenshot below and indicated by the black arrow - just to the right of the text "Open SQl Database --> Database".

Create database table

Next, right click on the Database output of the "Create SqlTable from CSV File" operation and select "Display with Sql Database Widget".

Finally we need to set the inputs on the "Create SqlTable from CSV File" operation.

  • Navigate and set the File name to "livable_cities_2013.csv"
  • Use a comma as the delimiter
  • Set Column headers to "First row contains header names"
  • Set Determine datatypes to "From First Data Row"
  • Set Skip top # lines to '2'
  • Set Table name to tableName

The operation Editor should look something like this:

CSV file to SQL database table

And your workflow should look something like this:

Workflow with database table

Now run your workflow and the result should look something like this:

Database table display

Running A SQL Query

Next we will run a SQL query on our database (and observe some interesting behaviour.) Drag a "Query SQL Database" operation on to the canvas. Remove the WorkspaceOutput operation. Connect the Database output of the "Create SqlTable from CSV File" operation to the Database input of the "Query SQL Database" operation. Enter the following SQL statement

select * from tableName where Country = "Australia" 

as the Query input of the "Query SQL Database" operation. Remove the Sql Database Widget connection from the database output of the "Create SqlTable from CSV File" operation (again, this is really being done just to remove clutter from the screen - you could even leave it displayed if you wish.)

Finally, connect a Table Widget to the Result output of the "Query SQL Database" operation.

TableWidget display

Now you run your workflow and see something like the following:

Query result

Occasionally you may find your workflow looking more like this:

Now your first question may be "why are the cities listed mulitple times?" Databases have ACID properties: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. Each time an operation executes that modifies the database, then any updates to the database are durable (that is they persist.) If parts of your workflow are re-run, for example as a result of resetting an operation or changing input values, then you may see the effect of the update twice (or even more). If you want to see the workflow show the results of executing the operations only once, then rename the database in the "Open SQL Database" operation and run the workflow.

Extracting a column

Next we will extract a column from our result set.

  • Drag a GetSqlResultSetColumn on to your canvas.
  • Remove the WorkspaceOutput if you haven't already done so.
  • Connect the result output from our QuerySQLDatbase operation to the input of GetSqlResultSetColumn.
  • Set the Column name input on the GetSqlResultSetColumn operation to be Overall_Rating.
  • Drag a GetDataSeriesValue operation on to the canvas.
  • Connect the Column output from the GetSqlResultSetColumn operation to the Data series input of the GetDataSeriesValue operation
  • Select the GetDataSeriesValue operation and in the Operation editor set the index to 0.
  • Finally right click on the value output of the GetDataSeriesValue and select "Display with LineEdit"

Now execute your workflow and your screen should looks something like this:

Final workflow


This concludes the first database tutorial. What have we learned?

  • Workspace provides some basic SQL Database Operations
  • Workspace ships with SQLite Database support. If you just need basic SQL Database functionality then this may be sufficient for many workflows
  • Workspace can support a number of other Database Engines but some amount of configuration may be needed