Workspace 7.1.0
Classes | Namespaces
schedulercontroller.h File Reference
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <QAtomicInt>
#include <QFuture>
#include <QFutureSynchronizer>
#include <QSet>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVector>
#include "Workspace/Application/logmanager.h"
#include "Workspace/DataExecution/Execution/schedulerfeatures.h"
#include "Workspace/DataExecution/Execution/schedulerrequests.h"
#include "Workspace/DataExecution/Execution/schedulers.h"
#include "Workspace/QtVersionCompat/QScopedPointer"
#include "Workspace/api_workspace.h"
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class  SchedulerController
 Schedules both the local and remote execution of workspaces. The SchedulerController manages the scheduling of workspaces. A workspace can be scheduled to run either locally or remotely. The SchedulerController determines the optimum number of jobs that can be run locally, once exceeded, any additional workspaces are then remoted (subject to the availability of remote workspace-servers and the suitability of the workspace to be scheduled). If a workspace fails to be executed remotely then the workspace is scheduled locally. Irrespective of the location of workspace execution the key workspace events i.e. Start/Stop execution and Start/Stop update are observed. Workspace events that occurr on a remote machine find their way back to the scheduler by way of network messages that are translated and re-emitted locally to provide the appearance of local execution. The SchedulerController also emits significant workspace and scheduler related events that can be observed in case additional notification and/or processing is required in response to these events. More...


namespace  CSIRO
 Top level namespace for all Workspace code.
namespace  CSIRO::DataExecution
 Base workspace functionality not requiring a user interface.