Quantitative Imaging
Publications of year 2009
P. Vallotton,
A. Phatak,
and M. Berman.
Spectral Imaging and Unmixing.
In Ewa Goldys, editor,Fluorescence Applications in Biotechnology and Life Sciences,
pages 117--139.
P.G. Allingham,
W. Barris,
A. Reverter,
V. Hilsenstein,
R. van de Ven,
and D.L. Hopkins.
Sire and growth-path effects on sheep meat production. 3. Fascicular structure of lamb loin muscle (m. longissimus lumborum) and the impact on eating quality.
Animal Production Science,
X. Bai,
C. Sun,
and F. Zhou.
Splitting touching cells based on concave points and ellipse fitting.
Pattern Recognition,
November 2009.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
M. Berman,
A. Phatak,
R. Lagerstrom,
and B.R. Wood.
ICE: A new method for the multivariate curve resolution of hyperspectral images.
Journal of Chemometrics,
February 2009.
Y. Guo,
A. Zeman,
and R. Li.
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Setting.
International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems,
J. La Salle,
Q. Wheeler,
P.T. Jackway,
S. Winterton,
D. Hobern,
and D. Lovell.
Accelerating Taxonomic Discovery Through Automated Character Extraction.
M. Li,
J. Xu,
J. Yang,
D. Yang,
and D. Wang.
Multiple Manifolds Analysis and Its Application to Fault Diagnosis.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
November 2009.
J. A. Lopez,
J. G. Burchfield,
D. H. Blair,
K. Mele,
Y. Ng,
P. Vallotton,
D. E. James,
and W. E. Hughes.
Identification of a Distal GLUT4 Trafficking Event Controlled by Actin Polymerisation.
Molecular Biology of the Cell,
September 2009.
K. Mele,
J. G. Burchfield,
D. E. James,
W. E. Hughes,
and P. Vallotton.
Towards fully automated Identification of Vesicle-Membrane Fusion Events in TIRF Microscopy.
IJCAET Special Issue on Engineering and Computational Technologies in the Life Sciences,
C. Sun,
R. Beare,
K. Cheong,
B. J. Jung,
and M. Kim.
Stereoscopic Flatbed Scanner.
Journal of Electronic Imaging,
January-March 2009.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
C. Sun,
P. Vallotton,
D. Wang,
J. Lopez,
Y. Ng,
and D. James.
Membrane Boundary Extraction Using Circular Multiple Paths.
Pattern Recognition,
April 2009.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
C. Sun and P. Vallotton.
Fast Linear Feature Detection Using Multiple Directional Non-Maximum Suppression.
Journal of Microscopy,
May 2009.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
P. Vallotton and J. V. Small.
Shifting views on the leading role of the lamellipodium in cell migration: Speckle tracking revisited.
Journal of Cell Science,
June 2009.
Y. Arzhaeva,
L. Hogeweg,
P. A. de Jong,
B. van Ginneken,
and M. A. Viergever.
Global and local multi-valued dissimilarity-based classication: application to computer-aided detection of tuberculosis.
In 12th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
20-24 September 2009.
L. Domanski,
P. Vallotton,
and D. Wang.
Two and Three-Dimensional Image Deconvolution on Graphics Hardware.
In Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS/MODSIM Congress,
Cairns, Australia,
pages 1010--1016,
13-17 July 2009.
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
R. Lagerstrom and M. Buckley.
A Graph Watershed Method for Analysis and Quantification of Neurite Branching Structure.
In Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS/MODSIM Congress,
Cairns, Australia,
pages 762--767,
13-17 July 2009.
S. Mayo,
R. Evans,
F. Chen,
and R. Lagerstrom.
X-ray Phase Contrast Micro-Tomography and Image Analysis of Wood Microstructure.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy,
Zurich, Switzerland,
21-25 July 2009.
K. Mele,
A. Coster,
J. G. Burchfield,
J. Lopez,
D. E. James,
W. E. Hughes,
and P. Vallotton.
Automatic Identification of Fusion Events in TIRF Microscopy Image Sequences.
In ICCV09 1st Workshop on Video-oriented Object and Event Classification (VOEC'09),
Kyoto, Japan,
pages 578--584,
28 September 2009.
E. Urbach.
Contextual Image Filtering.
In Image and Vision Computing New Zealand,
Wellington, New Zealand,
pages 299--303,
23-25 November 2009.
P. Vallotton,
C. Sun,
D. Wang,
P. Ranganathan,
L. Turnbull,
and C. Whitchurch.
Segmentation and tracking of individual Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in dense populations of motile cells.
In Image and Vision Computing New Zealand,
Wellington, New Zealand,
pages 221--225,
23-25 November 2009.
D. Wang,
D. Bourke,
L. Domanski,
and P. Vallotton.
Multicore-based high performance image analysis for batch processing in drug discovery.
In Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS/MODSIM Congress,
pages 1080--1086,
13-17 July 2009.
W. Yu,
H. K. Lee,
S. Hariharan,
S. Shvetha,
P. Vallotton,
and S. Ahmed.
Segmentation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Nuclei within 3-D Neurospheres.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advances in Visual Computing: Part I,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,
pages 531--543,
November 30 - December 2 2009.
K. Mele,
J. G. Burchfield,
D. E. James J. Lopez,
W. E. Hughes,
A. Coster,
and P. Vallotton.
TIRF Microscopy Software for Automated Vesicle Fusion Detection.
American Biotechnology Laboratory, 27(10):8-9,
October 2009.
Last modified: Sun Mar 9 14:22:31 2025
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Changming Sun.
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