Sensing the West Forum
In March 2024, the NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) with its partners Western Sydney University and Celestino/CSIRO Sydney Science Park Urban Living Lab hosted the Sensing the West Forum. This event focused on how smart sensing technology can benefit new developments in NSW.
This one-day event featured expert speakers and panel discussions, followed by interactive working sessions. It explored opportunities to apply smart sensing technologies, with particular focus to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis area. However, many of the outcomes will be applicable to new development areas in regional areas across NSW and Australia.
The growth in western Sydney over the next forty years will leave a lasting impact. As Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO is collaborating to enhance innovation in NSW. We are conducting real-world experiments focused on enhancing and monitoring improvements in quality of life, sustainability, and resilience in these growing communities.
For more information and to read the report from the forum, click here.