WAVES – Documentation

WAVESThe material in this work is broken into five chapters, with the level of detail varied through each so that everyone should be able to get the information they require.

WAVES – Preface (232 kB)

WAVES – Chapter 1 (188 kB) is an Executive Summary that provides a broad-brush view of the WAVES model, highlighting strengths and weaknesses to allow evaluation of whether WAVES can be applied to any particular problem.

WAVES – Chapter 2 (256 kB) contains the conceptual model for each of the sub-systems of WAVES. This provides more detail on the assumptions used to scale processes to a daily-timestep, and some of the specific process formulations used in WAVES.

WAVES – Chapter 3 (189 kB) is a very detailed description of the equations that are solved in running WAVES and, where required, provides the solution method for nonlinear equations and matrix solution schemes. A skilled scientist should be able to essentially reproduce the functions of WAVES from this chapter.

WAVES – Chapter 4 (460 kB) provides a sensitivity analysis of the major parameters in WAVES, and testing of the quality of the mass and energy balances as simulated for test cases. It also provides an extensive treatise on use of Richards’ equation for solving soil-water dynamics; without a robust solution method for this sub-system, WAVES would not be possible.

Chapter 5 is a compilation of case studies that have used WAVES, which show the range of application of WAVES, as well as the excellent results that can be obtained with it. These studies test the full capabilities of WAVES in many varied environments; it is not an exhaustive list of all the applications that have been made and published by all workers using WAVES. At the end are two appendices.

WAVES – References (133 kB)

WAVES – Appendix (160 kB) Appendix A details some of the mathematics that underpin the longwave radiation equations used in WAVES. Appendix B details the equations and solution of the analytic model used to test the Richards’ equation with a particular soil hydraulic model.