
December 12th, 2017


Scroll down to access the dashboards. . . . continue reading for an overview summary of Governance


Local residents were moderately confident in, and supportive of, GBR management. Some 48% felt, “confident that the GBR is well managed”, whilst only 23.8% thought that, “enough is being done to effectively manage the GBR”. Some 66% of residents were supportive of the rules and regulations, and 26.8% felt that they, “do not have fair access to the GBR”. There were moderate to high levels of trust in government and GBR management, with word of mouth (51.8%) being the most relied upon source of information.


Tourists did not have strong confidence in GBR management. For example, only 16.3% thought that, “enough is being done to effectively manage the GBR”. Tourists tended to trust scientists the most (83.4%) and the most important sources of information were local radio (48.4%), national/regional radio (48.2%), and free to air television (46.7%).

Tourism operators

The marine tourism industry was moderately confident in, and supportive of, GBR management. Only 23.3% thought that, “enough is being done”, however 60.6% felt, “confident that the GBR is well managed”. Nearly 80% felt that they had, “fair access to the GBR compared to other user groups”, where 36.1% felt, “that future generations have been adequately considered”. They mostly trusted friends, family and work colleagues, (74.4%) as well as scientists (74.4%), and relied on word of mouth (48.9%) for information, local radio (35.6%), and news media websites (35.6%).

Commercial fishers

Results suggest that only 38.8% of commercial fishers thought that, “enough is being done to effectively manage the GBR”, where 52.8% felt, “confident that the GBR is well managed”. Some 40.7% suggested that they, “support the current rules and regulations that affect access and use of the GBR”, where only 34.4% of commercial fishers felt that they did, “not have fair access to the GBR compared to other user groups“. Commercial fishers were less trusting of typical sources of information about environmental issues than other stakeholders. Word of mouth (52.9%), local radio (38.6%), and national/regional radio (37.5%) were most important.

National residents

Results suggest that government (state and federal) have low trust with the Australian public (<20%). The most trusted organisation to report on environmental issues is the CSIRO (53%). CSIRO has been the most trusted organisation in reporting environmental issue over the past seven years.

Explore the data 

You can also explore the data yourself using our interactive dashboards below – use the filters provided to explore the results by participant type, age, gender, NRM, LGA and GBRMPA management areas. Click the arrow on the bottom right corner of the dasboard to view in Full Screen mode.  Also click the > arrow to move through the tabs on each dashboard.


Confidence in management

Equity issues 

Support for management

Traditional vs Progressive

Trust in networks


Sources of information