Culture and heritage

December 12th, 2017

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The contemporary cultural and heritage value of the GBR was high for residents on all 18 cultural services examined. In order of importance, 96% valued the GBR because it is, “a great asset for the economy”, 95.9%, “value[d] the GBR because it supports a variety of life”, and 95.1% that the, “the aesthetic beauty of the GBR is outstanding”. Some 95.2% of residents felt, “proud that the GBR is a World Heritage Area” (WHA), and 90.0% of residents, “value the GBR because it attracts people from all over the world”.


Domestic and International tourists derived significant cultural services from the GBR. Some 95.5% said, “I value the GBR because it supports a variety of life, such as fish and corals”, and 93.7% valued the GBR because, “the GBR is a great asset for the economy “. Some 92.5% of tourists felt, “proud that the GBR is a [WHA]”, and 90.9% said that they, “value the GBR because we can learn about the environment through scientific discoveries”.

Tourism operators

All tourism operators valued the GBR because, “the GBR is a great asset for the economy of the region”. Additionally, 98.9%, “value the GBR because it supports a variety of life” and 97.9%, “value the GBR because it attracts people from all over the world”. Nearly 95% stated that, “the aesthetic beauty of the GBR is outstanding”. The GBR was valued by 95.7%, “because it supports a desirable and active way of life”. Also 93.6% felt, “proud that the GBR is a WHA”, where 91.1% reported that they, “value the GBR because it exists, even if [they] don’t benefit from it”.

Commercial fishers

Most (97.8%) commercial fishers valued, “the GBR for the fresh seafood it provides”, and 96.7%, “because it supports a variety of life”. Some 90.0% valued the, “aesthetic beauty”. Only 85.6% valued the GBR because it, “is a great asset for the economy of the region’.

National Residents

National residents valued the GBR mostly for its biodiversity (86%), outstanding beauty (85%), and for the pride that they have in its World Heritage Area status (85%).

Explore the data 

You can also explore the data yourself using our interactive dashboards below – use the filters provided to explore the results by participant type, age, gender, NRM, LGA and GBRMPA management areas. Click the arrow on the bottom right corner of the dasboard to view in Full Screen mode.  Also click the > arrow to move through the tabs on the dashboard.
