DECEMBER | Dr Qing Liu

December 1st, 2020

Dr Qing Liu is a senior research scientist in CSIRO Data61 and having/hold co-joint positions with the University of Tasmania (UTAS) and the University of New South Walse (UNSW). Four PhD students have successfully graduated under my supervision in the past. At the moment, I am supervising 4 PhD students.

Dr Qing Liu

Senior Research Scientist, Software Systems Group

  • Tell us a bit about yourself?

    Data management is my primary research area. A basic guideline of my research is to construct novel frameworks and develop new algorithms to improve the effectiveness and efficiency for the problems studied. In recent years, my research interests involve rule-based query framework, provenance management and analysis, trust computation and Knowledge Graph. I am the editor of the book 'Data Provenance and Data Management for eScience, published by Springer-Verlag. Have published many peer-reviewed articles in high-profile journals and conferences including SIGMOD, VLDB, AAMAS etc. I have co-chaired and serviced for several international conferences and a reviewer for many high-profile journals.

    What gets you excited about your work/projects?

    Many papers can be published. There is no doubt that there is a gap between research and practice. Closing the gap requires both time and skill commitments. I have been leading several research projects and contributing my expertise to various industry domains including legal informatics, supply chain, biosecurity, bioinformatics, hydrology and spatial-temporal applications. I deeply appreciate the opportunities of engaging real-world problems and working together with industry partners and cross-BU domain scientists on proposing practical solutions. Another enjoyment of my daily life is, through my collaborations with the universities and the Data61 PhD scholarship program, the relationship between me as a supervisor and the students. This is because not only fruits are produced including publishing papers and inspiring young researchers to express themselves and think creatively, but also this process has challenged myself in terms of refreshing my skills and managing my time effectively.

    What are your Qualifications?

    I have my PhD in Computer Science from the University of New South Wales.

    Do you have any Students?

    At the moment, I am supervising 4 PhD students.

    What are your top 3 professional areas?

    1. Data Management,
    2. Knowledge Graph,
    3. Semantics.

    What awards have you received?

    As part of the team, several rewards were received in the past including “CSIRO Team Work Award”, “Australian iAward for Green IT and Sustainability”

    Why do you like working at CSIRO?

    1. CSIRO Data61 provides opportunities for the researchers not only attacking research challenges from academic perspectives but also addressing real-world problems.

    2. The management team is very supportive for the staffs and the work we are doing.

  • LocationSandy Bay
  • Address Tasmania Australia