Announcing our new Postdoc Fellow: Dr. Liang Wang
We are very pleased to announce Dr. Liang Wang joined the Embodied AI research cluster at the CSIRO Robotics and Autonomous Systems group as a Research Fellow. The Embodied AI research cluster, Led by Dr. Peyman Moghadam, works on a new AI paradigm for embodied agents (i.e., robots) to learn through interactions with their environments and enable lifelong collaborative learning with human-on-the-loop. Liang is also holding a joint research fellow position at the University of Queensland (UQ) with A/Prof. Pauline Pounds team. This position is a part of a new collaboration between CSIRO’s Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group (RASG) and ITEE/UQ in the broad area of AI-Enhanced Robotics (AI-R).

Liang Wang
“I am captivate by working on multiple sensors data from the robots and making them more intelligent. These problems can be challenging but very exciting. To collaborate with the experienced researchers from the CSIRO Robotics-Embedded AI team, we can make the solution boundary of these problems.” says Liang Wang
Liang Wang was a machine learning postdoc research fellow at CSIRO and research associate on data-intensive astrophysics at UWA. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Chinese Academy of Science in 2016, where he worked on simulated astrophysical data analysis. Prior to his Ph.D., he received his Bachelors in Physics. Liang’s research area includes deep learning-based time series classification and localization denoising.”
Welcome to the team!