About RAMP

The Rapid Automated Materials and Processing (RAMP) facility has been established to accelerate the development of new advanced materials and processes by matching robotic and automated equipment with the expertise of key scientists in one location.

We have expertise in a number of fields including formulation, nanoparticles, catalysis, biomaterials, chemical synthesis and polymer science. We have the skills and equipment to fast track research through the application of automated materials’ synthesis and characterisation.

Industry benefits

Accelerating research and development can contribute to significant savings in product design and optimisation, and our RAMP enables the high-throughput discovery of materials for use in various industries.

Inside our Fast Track Facility [longer version] from CSIRO on Vimeo.

Through RAMP, research can be fast-tracked through the application of automated materials’ synthesis and characterisation workflows. The value we create for our partners is the rapid development and optimisation of new materials. This is facilitated through the development of optimised processing protocols which enable a faster introduction of the materials produced into the marketplace via their rapid optimisation which is rarely possible using standard research and development techniques.

This includes:

  • intelligent experimental design
  • robotic-assisted synthesis platforms
  • high-throughput performance evaluation
  • rapid and automated characterisation
  • data storage and mining (informatics).

A large and diverse class of industrial materials development programs can be enhanced through the use of automated synthesis and characterisation techniques. This includes the use of computational modelling and robotics to speed up the materials discovery and development process.

In partnership with industry the use of rapid automated materials development has enhanced research in several fields:

  • chemical processing (catalysts)
  • mining (high energy release materials)
  • fine chemical manufacturing
  • novel formulation for drug delivery applications
  • new chemical entity discovery (gene therapy and chemotherapy).

Our RAMP centre is accelerating the adoption of smart materials into a broad range of applications using new approaches to provide improved productivity. We offer rapid multi-scale design and optimisation of materials properties which leads to the creation of novel materials. An increased competitive advantage for our partners can be created by developing solutions through better products, processes and services.