Why are we working on printed solar?

Renewable energy is vital for a sustainable future and solar energy is central to this.

Global energy demands continue to rise and the sun is a huge source of clean, renewable power.

Printed solar cells are cheap to manufacture. They are made using low-cost processes with techniques similar to those used in newspapers and textile printing.

Printed solar panels are lightweight, thin, flexible and semitransparent. They can be used in applications that conventional solar panels are unsuitable for.

How are we progressing the technology?

We continue to make advances, developing new materials and processes to enable the production of thin, flexible solar cells based on printable ‘solar inks’.

We are improving efficiency, achieving power conversion efficiencies of over 19% on small-scale printed cells.

We are making them bigger.  We can print 300 mm wide solar film rolls.

We are making prototypes to refine and optimize the technology.  Our first public prototype went on display at the Melbourne Zoo in March 2018 (See picture on the right).

What are the potential applications?

Solar energy from everywhere. Lightweight, flexible solar integrated into tents, consumer products, smart packaging, windows, or window furnishings.

Solar energy for everyone. Low-cost, easily portable solar bringing immediate electricity to remote locations, developing communities and disaster zones.

New opportunities for Australian manufacturing.  This innovative technology can generate new jobs in local manufacturing.

See Applications to learn more.

Who are we collaborating with?

We collaborate with academic partners including Monash University and the University of Melbourne.

We have received significant government investment from the Victorian State Government and the Australian Federal Government.

We are engaging with Australian SMEs to create new manufacturing opportunities and add value to existing industries.

See our recent projects to learn more.