

We do projects with many partners to co-develop innovative tools and methods that support them to work with multiple knowledge systems. Some of our partner projects include:

Hin Lad Nai Workshop with our Multiple Evidence Base Partners

In January 2019, we took part in an exciting international gathering in the Hin Lad Nai territory of Karen people in Thailand, part of the Multiple Evidence Base project. Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) holders and experts came from Panama, Myanmar, Guatemala, the Philippines, Antigua and Barbuda, New Zealand, Kenya and India. The dialogue was made possible with support from SwedBio and Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Indigenous organizations PASD and IMPECT, UNESCO, with in-kind contributions from CSIRO and CESD. The Karen Indigenous community of Hin Lad Nai was a critical contributor and local host.

The dialogue participants were there to hand back and discuss outcomes from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Assessment Report on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production. CSIRO Principal Research Scientist, Dr Ro Hill, was a Coordinating Lead Author for the Assessment

Our team prepared some beautiful posters based on the Assessment. As a result, key messages could be discussed in Plain English, in pictures, and in Thai! Lots of people has asked us for copies of the posters – so here they are and in Thai. 🙂