Observatory documents

The documents available below provide essential information for people working at Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, our Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory. Everyone who comes to the observatory has an obligation to act in a safe manner, protect the environment, respect and protect Aboriginal Cultural Heritage, and follow protocols and procedures relating to minimisation of radio frequency interference.

These documents are of a technical nature and not intended for the general public.

Painting of waves radiating from a galaxy

Principles and procedures for respecting and preserving Wajarri Yamaji cultural heritage (PDF document, 0.5 MB)

A metal tower, topped with horizontal white triangles sweeps the outback for RFI

Radio frequency interference compliance standards and procedures and Radio Emissions Management Plan (REMP) application form (PDF document, 2 MB)

The positions of existing telescope receiver infrastructure (EXCEL document, 25 KB)

The Radio Emissions Management Plan (REMP) form for assessing radio frequency interference impact from proposed activities on the observatory site (WORD document, 245 KB)

Growing out of the red dirt, by the side of a road, is a plethora of unusual flowers.

Introductory information on the observatory’s management, governance and stakeholders, relevant for those working on the observatory (PDF document, 1 MB)

A man in brimmed hard hat and gloves is harnessed to a cherry picker

HSE management plan

Coming soon.

A woman gestures, standing in front of a group of people in an outback landscape.

Induction and conduct

Coming soon.

Two people in bright yellow emergency uniforms with shielded hard hats smile at the camera

Emergency management plan

Coming soon.

If you work on the observatory and still have questions after reading these documents please contact us.