About the project partners

Frequently asked questions about the project partners

  1. Why have CSIRO, Verily and JCU partnered in this research?
    CSIRO’s mission is to use science to deliver innovative solutions that benefit Australia and the world. Mosquitoes are a global problem that requires a global collaborative response. CSIRO has been studying mosquitoes for many years and considering methods to reduce populations.By combining our knowledge of mosquito populations and behaviour with Verily’s technology and James Cook University’s experience and expertise, we hope to develop new methods that will reduce or remove invasive mosquito species from urban landscapes that can spread disease.
  2. What is Verily’s involvement?
    Verily is an Alphabet company (a Google affiliate) focusing on life sciences research and engineering to improve healthcare outcomes by applying the latest scientific and technological advances to significant problems in health and biology.Researchers around the world face many challenges in the fight against the disease-spreading Aedes aegypti mosquito, challenges that technology may be able to help overcome. Verily’s ‘Debug Project’ is addressing ways to remove or control mosquitoes in large urban environments. Their approach is to build the technologies required to make the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) effective for mosquitoes, including developing reliable and scalable methods for mosquito sterilisation and mass-production, sex-sorting, and efficient targeted release. Find out more at Debug – A verily project .
  3. What is JCU’s involvement?
    James Cook University (JCU) is a leader in developing and contributing to innovative new methods to prevent vector-borne disease, especially dengue, in north Queensland. Professor Scott Ritchie leads the JCU team in the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine at JCU and is a global expert on the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Purposely built large semi-field cages at JCU’s campus in Cairns are being used for experiments to help develop and evaluate SIT technologies, including the rearing of sterile male mosquitoes.
  4. Are there others involved in the research? The University of Queensland and QIMR Berghofer are also contributors to the research.