About Debug

Frequently asked questions about Debug

  1. What is Debug?
    Debug is a project by Verily (an Alphabet company), based in the United States. Their team is made up of mosquito biologists, software engineers, and automation experts working to develop better ways to reduce the impact that disease-carrying mosquitoes inflict on people around the world. Verily, through Debug, is partnering with researchers, communities, and government agencies to reduce the number of mosquitoes that can spread disease, and help people live longer, healthier lives. Learn more about the Debug Project at Verily.
  2. What is Debug Innisfail?
    Debug Innisfail is a field study being undertaken by project partners CSIRO, the Debug Team at Verily, and James Cook University. Together, we’re studying new technologies to reduce the population of the invasive Aedes aegypti mosquito species that can spread dengue and Zika. The studies are currently focussed in Innisfail and parts of the Cassowary Coast in Australia’s Far North Queensland. Find out more about the Debug method.
  3. Is anyone else doing projects like Debug Innisfail?
    There are several projects around the world looking at how the Sterile Insect Technique and Wolbachia can be used to combat mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit, including Aedes aegypti. There are pilot projects with Aedes aegypti and Wolbachia underway in Australia and other countries, and a number of studies with other types of mosquitoes, some dating back decades. All face similar problems of how to make a broader and sustainable impact on mosquito populations and demonstrate that they can protect against mosquito borne diseases. The Debug team at Verily has also conducted research in Fresno, CA utilising similar methods to Debug Innisfail. You can learn more about Debug Fresno here.
  4. Is Debug planning on targeting the vectors of other diseases in the future?
    Debug is currently focused on the Aedes aegypti mosquito which can spread diseases like dengue Zika, and chikungunya.