LiveGAPS 2 is happening!

April 20th, 2017

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations were so pleased with the findings from LiveGAPS 1 that they are supporting LiveGAPS 2. In LiveGAPS 2 we are going to expand what we did in LiveGAPS 1 to look for ways to maximise yields in African livestock systems for poverty alleviation, global food security and sustainability.

For LiveGAPS 1, we estimated the productivity of livestock and assessed different entry points for closing yield gaps in Ethiopia and India. We then developed projections of productivity and production at a continental level.

For LiveGAPS 2 will estimate livestock productivity in Nigeria and Tanzania and will also update the productivity data for the LiveGAPS 1 target countries, Ethiopia and India. We will then use simulation models to estimate the impacts of best-bet packages of interventions provided by key informants (genetics, nutrition, health) on livestock productivity, and farmers’ incomes and nutrition in different types of production systems in Nigeria and Tanzania. Lastly we will assess the potential impacts of these practices if they were upscaled broadly throughout the individual countries and projected using a range of scenarios to 2030.

This information can enable doners, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and development agencies to assess the feasibility and investment needs of selected practices enabling better informed investment decisions.