
To discover more about our work, please explore our communications, reports, special issues, and academic papers:


Stone-Jovicich. 2015. The journey to ‘fit-for-purpose’: developing a monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) system for a complex project. FSI Practice Note.

Stone-Jovicich. 2015. To rubrics or not to rubrics? An experience using rubrics for monitoring, evaluating and learning in a complex project. FSI Practice Note.


Bohensky, E., Carter, L., Meharg, S., Butler, J., McEachern, S. and Hajkowicz, S. Australia-Indonesia Centre Megatrends: Health.. Melbourne: CSIRO; 2015. csiro:EP158523.

Darbas, T., Suluaiman, R., Mittal, N., Dekvota, K. and Brown, P.R. 2015. Institutional Analysis for Agricultural Innovation: Synthesis. CSIRO Australia, Internal Discussion Document for SRFSI project.

Stone-Jovicich, S., Butler, J., McMillan, L., Williams, L., and Roth, C. 2015. Agricultural Research for Development in CSIRO: A review of principles and practice for impact. Summary Report, CSIRO.

Special Issues

Climate Risk Management:

Climate futures and rural livelihood transformation in Eastern Indonesia (Editors: J.R.A. Butler, E.L. Bohensky, T. Darbas, D.G.C. Kirono, R.M. Wise, Y. Sutaryono).

Ecology and Society:

Integrating Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Science in Natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Australia (Editors: E.L. Bohensky, J.R.A. Butler, J. Davies).

Exploring Social-Ecological Resilience through the Lens of the Social Sciences: Contributions, Critical Reflections, and Constructive Debate (Editors: S. Stone-Jovicich, K. Brown, B. Goldstein, P. Olsson, and R. Plummer)


Banerjee, O., Darbas, T., Brown, P. R., & Roth, C. H. 2014. Historical divergence in public management of foodgrain systems in India and Bangladesh: Opportunities to enhance food security. Global Food Security, 3(3): 159-166.

Bohensky, E.L., D. Kirono, J.R.A. Butler, W. Rochester, P. Habibi, T. Handayani, Yanuartati, Y. and Peput. 2016. Climate knowledge cultures: stakeholder perspectives on change and adaptation in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Climate Risk Management 12: 17-31.

Bohensky, E. 2015. Aid’s inconvenient truth. Nature. 519: 32.

Bohensky, E. L., A. Smajgl and T. Brewer. 2013. Patterns in household-level engagement with climate change in Indonesia. Nature Climate Change 3, 348–351.

Bohensky, E. L. and Y. Maru. 2011. Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Resilience: What Have We Learned from a Decade of International Literature on “Integration”? Ecology and Society 16 (4): 6. [online] URL:

Bohensky, E., J. Butler, Costanza, R. Bohnet, I. Delisle, A. Fabricius, K., Gooch, M. Kubiszewski, I., Lukacs, G., Pert, P. and E. Wolanski. 2011. Future makers or future takers? A scenario analysis of climate change and the Great Barrier Reef. Global Environmental Change 21(3): 876–893.

Bohensky, E.L., J. Butler and D. Mitchell. 2011. Scenarios for knowledge integration: exploring ecotourism futures in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Marine Biology Article ID 504651, 11 pages [online] URL:

Butler, J.R.A., Darbas, T., Addison, J., Bohensky, E.L., Carter, L., Cosijn, M., Maru, Y., Stone-Jovicich, S., Williams, L.J. & Rodriguez, L. in press. A hierarchy of needs for achieving impact in international research for development projects. Chapter 7 in: Social Science and Sustainability (eds Schandl, H. and Walker, I.) CSIRO Publishing.

Butler, J.R.A., Williams, L.J., Darbas, T., Jakimow, T, Maclean, K. and Grunbuhel, C. in press.  Integrating development studies and social-ecological systems thinking: towards livelihood adaptation pathways. Chapter 4 in: Social Science and Sustainability (eds Schandl, H. and Walker, I.) CSIRO Publishing.

Butler, J.R.A., Wise, R.M., Skewes, T.D., Bohensky, E.L., Peterson, N., Suadnya, W., Yanuartati, Y., Handayani, T., Habibi, P., Puspadi, K., Bou, N., Vaghelo, D. & Rochester, W. 2015. Integrating top-down and bottom-up adaptation planning to build adaptive capacity: a structured learning approach. Coastal Management 43:346-364.

Butler, J.R.A., Skewes, T., Mitchell, D., Pontio, M. and T. Hills 2014. Declining ecosystem service trajectories in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea: is human population pressure a more critical driver than climate change? Marine Policy 46:1-13.

Butler, J.R.A., Suadnya, W., Puspadi, K., Sutaryono, Y., Wise, R.M., Skewes, T.D., Kirono, D., Bohensky, E.L., Handayani, T., Habibi, P., Kisman, M., Suharto, I., Hanartani, Supartarningsih, S., Ripaldi, A., Fachry, A., Yanuartati, Y., Abbas, G., Duggan, K., & Ash, A. 2014. Framing the application of adaptation pathways for rural livelihoods and global change in Eastern Indonesian islands. Global Environmental Change 28:368-382.

Carter, L. 2016. Learning to work differently: A scientist’s reflection on acting as a broker for food systems innovation. Betwixt and Between – The Journal of Partnership Brokering 1(6):1-4.

Cosijn, M. 2016. Gender equality and women’s empowerment in pro-poor rural value chains: Case study of post-conflict Mozambique. Development Bulletin 77: 69-72.

Foran, T., Butler, J.R., Williams, L.J., Wanjura, W.J., Hall, A., Carter, L. and Carberry, P.S., 2014. Taking complexity in food systems seriously: an interdisciplinary analysis. World Development, 61:85-101.

Stone-Jovicich, S. 2015. Probing the interfaces between the social sciences and social-ecological resilience: insights from integrative and hybrid perspectives in the social sciences. Ecology & Society 20(2): 25.

Yuen, E., Stone-Jovicich, S. and Preston, B.J. 2012. Climate change vulnerability assessments as catalysts for social learning: four case studies in south-eastern Australia. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 18(5).